Saturday, July 11, 2009


Good Morning Saturday!!

Actually I'm too lazy to blog today but i don't know why i have the nerve to write this post. sigh! I'm tired,sleepy and feeling slightly unwell. MayB bcuz of the weather nowdays. And im having a toothache which really bothering me. i dnt wanna go to the dentist. i hate going to de hospital. the smells of medicine and the environment of it makes me sick to my tummy!!! haha.uber! i rather keep this pain until it gets better. well,i hope it will. SOON PLS!!! =/

Tadi ptg, i had hi-T wiz adilah and suki. we just chillin around at YY having martabak. then suki wanted me to tune up his sound system of his car which we did it at the parking lot of dewan pandan. Then i just remembered that i promised my girlfriends,dayah and ain to accompany them to masjid pandan involving thier itb school project. they wanted me to be their photographer.. hehe. i know laahh im just rookies,apa jua aku ane.C ain lagi setidi.kan beybeh??hahaha..kambang tia nahh...LOL. But somehow when i switched on the camera,it doesnt work at all. i was surprised,skli mcm ada panic sikit laa..aku pikir abis batt wah. skli panya laaa battery tinggal..duhhh~~~~!! hahaha.. nasib c ain ada bawa cameranya klu nda abis ku kana krajakan leh durang..whauahuaa.

I have no idea plang bnrnya what my friends ne kan ambil gmbar apa.. time kami masuk masjid tu kami jumpa lah imamnya.then the funny part is.. imam tu tanya kisahh....bla bla bla.(ambil part yg penting)

Imam; "err.. kamu mau ambil gmbar mcm mana ne?

Dayah: "aaaa..kami mau ambil gmabr org sembahyang and gmbar2 org ngaji apa lah imam"

Imam; (dengan secara coolnya menjawab)" ohhhh.. klu catu tu nahh ada org sembahyang aaa(tunjuk2 kaling smbhyang) ambil tia gmabr org tu tunggang2 ahh!!"

KAMI:liat tmpat lain(nahan urat bibir kajar2 kan ketawa yaw!!)

aku nda tau lahh apa motifnya imam atu mmbuat lawak catuu.. actually he is my uncle. a sporting one,memng dari dulu nda abis2 ne lawaknya..HAHAHA. i suspect u uncle!! hee.

Then to skip all the photo2 shooting, we ended up at YY. melipakk sama suki,dayah,ain and yumi. chill wahh..napakan nee!! hahaha. ceta2 and jusip2 on somthing good..yeahh. i repeat!! somthing "GOOD"!!! hehehe XD . Then mcm biasa,balik rumah lipak lagi and men game "PSP" nda bulieh tinggal ne. sehari nda main ibarat nda bekantut seharian tu rasanya.. hahahha.

Hongkeh,its 3.50 now. i wanna sleep. ill post the pictures nanti k. tunggu c damit atu mmbagi pic2 ahh.. bah bilaa babe? jgn lama2 aaa..tkot lupa maa.. hehe.

thats all folks..

start ure day wiz a SMILE!! =)
